
Where Is The File Tab In Excel


You desire continue your work on a workbook y'all already started or work on a colleague'south workbook? Yous must first open it.

*Printing the File tab.
*If you accept opened a document recently, there is a practiced risk that you notice a reference under Recent.

*Otherwise, select Open.
*Select the drive and the folder where the workbook is located.
*Select the workbook and press the Open button.

Open and repair

Ouvrir et réparer

On rare occasions, a document may go corrupted. It may be because of a technical problem or you disconnected the USB key before you airtight the file, the computer stopped working because of a ability failure. Microsoft offers an option to Open and repair.

*Press the arrow at the stop of the Open button.
*Select Open and repair.

Microsoft volition try to repair the workbook. But, there are no garanties.


This option will close the workbook certificate.

*Select the File tab and Shut.
*Press on the CTRL and W keys.


Excel 2010 - File tab - Info

The Info option offers some information about the electric current certificate.

You can also protect your workbook or worksheet so that no other person tin change information technology's content. You tin also encrypt or place a digital signature on the certificate.

You tin can too cheque the document to make certain information technology doesn't contain personnal data, check if it's accessible to persons with disabilities and check compatibility with previons versions of Excel.

You can also try to recover unsaved versions of your document if Excel or your PC froze or shut down without giving you the possiblity to properly salvage your piece of work.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Info - Protect Workbook

Excel allows you to share your workbook with others. As the director, you lot tin determine which revision you desire to keep or remove. The outset option lets you lot mark your document as last. At 1 bespeak, the document creator or managing director must decide to accept the changes and to mark the workbook as final.

Not only can you protect your work but y'all tin also encrypt it and place a password to open it. Utilise but this option with the well-nigh sensitive files and with the approval or your employer. Be warned! Some software may notwithstanding exist able to "crevice" these files.

Y'all tin can as well make up one's mind to protect a single worksheet or the entire workbook. If you expect under the Review tab, you can allow users to edit ranges of cells. The rest of the workbook or worksheet would notwithstanding be protected from change. Y'all can also unlock cells from the Protection tab when you open the Dialog box launcher from the Font, Alignment or Number under the Domicile tab.

Mark as final

For the last few versions of Microsoft Office, il is possible of "share" documents on which many people can piece of work on at the same time. You tin have more to informations for this pick under the Review tab. The "manager" of modifications doit regroup all the elements of versions and create a document final. This step consists to make up one's mind qu'il s'agit of the version finale the document and of conserver only the parties requises to create the document final. Make certain that all the personnes that avaient quelque chose a apporter to this document the accept fait before of you rendre to this step.

*Press the File tab.
*Select the options Prepare and Mark as final.

Excel 2007 : Marquer final

A window will yous inform you lot that the process will start.

*Printing the OK push.

Excel 2007 : Confirme marquer final

This final window confirms that the document will exist marked as final and any modification marks will be removed.

*To close this window, printing the OK button

Encrypt with password

Some documents must remain confidential. You can add a password to make sure no unauthorized person can easily take admission to the content.

Excel 2007 : Chiffrer le document

Make sure to remember your countersign. Otherwise, y'all won't be able to open the document anymore. Excel makes the distinction betwixt capital letter and lowercase. A password similar "OpenSesame" and "opensesame" won't be the aforementioned to Excel.

Altough Microsoft volition protect your document, there are some "cracks" programs to make up one's mind the password and open up the documents. Y'all can just utilize these "tools" if yous have the owner's permission.

Add a digital signature

To some documents, such as orders or bills, a digital signature may exist required to confirm the actuality of the document and of its beatitude. Microsoft doesn't offer this service. However, you can integrate into Office 2007/2010/2013 from the Role Marketplace.

Excel 2007 : Signature électronique

*To view the list of electronic signature providers, select Services for electronic signatures from Office Market place.

Excel 2007 : Liste des services de signature électronique

A web page will appear with a description of companies that offers such services. You can click on the links to go the company's clarification. These services are non complimentary. You must you expect to pay to the use digital signatures.

Bank check for issues

Excel 2010 - File tab - Info- Check for issues

You lot should always inspect a document before giving information technology to your superior. There was a story going effectually nearly an employe who left some nasty comments nigh is superior in the comments. He read them and wasn't pleased.

You should also bank check to see if your document respects the needs of people with disabilities.

You need to cheque for compatibility if you're working with people that use the previious versions of Excel. Some new options and functions will not work with older versions of Excel.

Inspect the document

An inspection of the document is required earlier sending it to a client or to a superior. The inspection could find items that they may not capeesh.

Excel will first y'all inquire to save the document if you have made any modifications.

Excel 2007 : Inspecter le document

Excel will check some elements: comments, personnal information and others as bear witness on the picture to the left.

*Printing the Inspect to starting time the process.

Excel 2007 : Résultat inspection du document

The inspection takes a few instants before creating a report. Afterwards, y'all tin decide if whatsoever element of the list must remain with the workbook.

*Once finished, press the Close button.

Bank check accessibility

Check compatibility

Excel's 2007/2010/2013 file format is very different from the previous versions. There are more options that the user can manage and some new options (renamed funtions, slicers, sparklines...) Y'all tin can still save a workbook under the previous versions. But, you should bank check for file compatibily before saving.

*Press the File tab and select Info.
*Press the Check for issues button.
*From the listing of options, select Bank check Compatibility.

Excel 2007 - Vérificateur de comptabilité

The compatibility checker will you suggest you that there may be a lost of data and of what type. Knowing what will stay and what will exist lost, you can decide if y'all want to go along savin in a previous file format.

*Press the Continue.


Excel 2007 : Propriétés du workbook

Excel 2007: Propriétés avancées du workbook

In that location is also avant-garde properties that can give the user more information regarding the workbook. Yous can click on each tab to view the options.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Info - Manage versions

This option gives you the possibility to recover unsaved files.


Shows a list of workbooks and folders that were opened recently. Y'all tin rapidly become back to a document you worked on recently.

You can choose a blank workbook and start to enter all the values in your model. Y'all tin can also apply a model offered past A large collection of models are available in many categories. This could be very useful to use an existing model instead of instead of creating your own.

Note: Y'all must be continued to the Net to use this option.

*Select a model that's available the in 1 of categories under

Excel 2007 : Chercher un nouveau modèle à partir de Microsoft Office Online

Excel 2007 : Nouveau document selon the modèthe disponibles

You can expect from many categories that are available and download the ones y'all need.

*Select the model of your choice.
*Press Download.

Office genuine advantage

Microsoft Office will advise y'all that this choice is only available to those who have a legal software copy. Part will cheque your software licence downloading the model you requested.

*To let Microsoft check you licence, and to let it download the model that you want, printing Continue.

Afterwards a few moments, the model volition be loaded in Excel.


You ever need to print your documents. However, you must preview it earlier printing to brand sure that the effect is what y'all expected. Ane of the great improvements in Office 2010 is the ability to preview the certificate and accept the most common options on the left side. Yous tin can alter these options and view the result without having to become back and forth to the Page Layout tab. Simply, for more specific options, y'all can select Page Setup located at the bottom of the options.


*Select the File tab and Print.
*Press on the CTRL and P keys.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Print

Quick impress

This control sends immediately the worksheet direct to the printer without asking any questions or giving you any options. Y'all can add together this option to the Quick Access toolbar.

*Press the arrow at the end of the Quick Access Toolbar.
*From the carte, select More Commands.

You can access the same bill of fare past selecting the File tab, the Options command and Quick Access Toolbar category.

*From the listing of pop commands, select Quick Print and printing the Add>> button.

The new command will be on the Quick Access toolbar. You tin can utilize the up and down arrows on the correct side of the window to motion the new option on the toolbar.

Save and Send

Y'all can send your workbook by e-mail or by fax directly from your computer. However, the PC must be correctly configured and have admission to an internet fax provider.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Save and send - E-mail

Send using E-postal service

If Microsoft Outlook is too installed on your computer, and configured properly, you tin can ship your workbook directly to someone else by e-postal service.

Send a link

If the workbook is saved in a shared binder, where other people tin access it. You lot only need to send an electronic mail with a link to the file.

Send as PDF

Microsoft Office 2010 can also create an Adobe's Portable Document File, or PDF file. It's a very popular file format because the presentation remains the aforementioned on every other computer.

Send as XPS

Microsoft countered Adobe's PDF file format with its ain XPS file format.

Send as Cyberspace Fax

You tin can also ship your workbook direct to any fax car. Just, your computer must be subscribed to an internex fax provider.

*Select the File tab and Save and Send.
*Select the options Send using e-mail service and Send as Internet fax.

Office 2007 : Envoyer par télécopie Internet

Microsoft Role informs yous that y'all must you subscribe to an net fax provider before being able to utilize this option.

*Press the OK button.

Office 2007 : Liste des services de télécopie par Internet

Yous will exist taken to a screen list a few companies that offers fax services through the Net. There is a link at the bottom of the screen to view the other services. You tin can click on the links to get a clarification of the company and the services it provides. In that location are costs related to theses services. Look carefuly before subscribing to whatever of these services.

Relieve to the Web

Microsoft Office can now access and place documents on Microsoft SkyDrive. That name has recently been inverse to Microsoft OneDrive. Documents on the spider web tin exist accessed and shared on to any PC connected to the web.

*Select the File tab and Save and Send.
*From the list of options, select Relieve to the Web.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Save and Send - Save to web

Save to SharePoint

Many companies have a SharePoint server where they identify their of import documents; including Excel workbook files. These documents can also exist shared with other people working at the company. It works the same fashion as a Salvage As but in a SharePoint folder.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Save and Send - Save to Sharepoint

Alter File types

Excel 2010 - File tab - Save and SEnd - Change file type

Create PDF/XPS Certificate

Excel 2010 - File tab - Save and Send - PDF/XPS Document

Excel Options

Like all Microsoft Office applications, there are many options that the user tin change to answer his or her needs.


*Select the File tab and Options.
*From the list of categories, select General.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - General

Excel 2007 : Mini-barre de sélection

Bear witness Mini-bar on selection: It'due south a small-scale toolbar that offers the most oft used commands for the context (working on text, on pictures, on charts or any other object). This is very useful instead of always having to render to the Ribbon to apply a command.

Enable Alive Preview: This is certainly the more useful option Microsoft added to Office 2007. It allows you to preview the result of an selection before you select information technology! Try it past selecting the text and let the cursor hover the font size or the font colors. Yous volition exist able to see the possible outcome before you actually confirm it. This pick applies to near all the Office commands.

Excel 2007 : Onglet développeur

Developer tab: Very few people have plenty feel to create of macro commands and fifty-fifty fewer to program with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). It'south for that reason that the Developers tab is masked in Office. You tin can activate it by checking the box Unhide the Developper tab on the ribbon.

ClearType: This option renders fonts that are more readable to the user.

Excel 2007 : Info-bulle

ScreenTip: This pick allows you to have one short description of the command where the cursor is located. Identify the cursor over the commands y'all don't know to have a description. Y'all can become more than assist on the control from the Aid icon to the right of the Ribbon.

Personalized Listing:To accelerate data entry, Excel offers a few predetermined lists for days and months. Yous can add your own list from your own data. This volition go far easier to enter information that you employ ofttimes similar a listing of shops or an inventory.

Excel 2007 : Listes personnalisées


*Printing the File tab.
*Printing the Options .
*From the list of categories, select Formulas.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - Formulas

This department allows you to conform how the formulas and the error checker will react in Excel.


*Press the File tab and Options.
*From the list of categories, select Proofing.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - Proofing


*Printing the File tab andOptions.
*From the listing of categories , select Salvage.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - Save


This option is just bachelor if you have installed a language module. Y'all tin can quickly change the language on the Ribbon, and every command on information technology, by changing it in this menu and restarting the Role application.

Excel 2010 - FIle tab - Options - Language


*Printing the File tab andOptions.
*From the list of categories, select Advanced.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - Advanced

Customize Ribbon

Information technology due south'agit of commands that yous tin can add together to the la quick admission toolbar. Y'all can as well détermer the guild of commands for the bar.

*Press the File tab andOptions.
*From the list of categories, select Customize Ribbon.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - Customize Ribbon

Quick Admission Toolbar

*Press the File tab andOptions.
*From the list of categories, select Quick Access toolbar.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - Quick Access Toolbar

Add together-ins

Some people and companies created add-ins to brand Excel fifty-fifty more than useful. You can manage these "mini-applications" from this window.

*Printing the File tab and Options.
*From the listing of categories, select Add-ins.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - Add-ins

Trust Center

*Press the File tab and Options.
*From the list of options, select Trust Center.

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - Trust Center

Excel 2010 - File tab - Options - Trust Center settings

Exit Excel

Similar all Office applications, at that place are many means of close the application.

*From the File tab, select Shut.
*Double click on the Excel icon at the top left of the window.
*Press the Windows XP: bouton fermer fenbe or X according to your version of Windows at the top right of the window.
*Press on the Alt and F4 keys.


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