
How To Increase Goat Weight

Goat Fattening Information Guide:

Goat Fattening.
Goat Fattening.

Introduction to Caprine animal Fattening:- What is Goat fattening? Well, Goat fattening is nothing but "intensive feeding of goats in feedlots to slaughter weight with adequate fat eolith (stop)". More goat farmers showing interest in this as it generates quick income. Let is discuss more about this process in the following write-upward.

Advantages Goat Fattening:- The following are main advantages of caprine animal fattening.

  • Caprine animal fattening is elementary process and can be accomplished within the capabilities of pocket-size farmers to implement
  • The results of goat fattening are highly visible can be realized within a short catamenia of time
  • Goat fattening generates quick cash for goat farmers
  • Goat fattening is profitable considering of the value/kg (weight) of caprine animal live weight increases as both weight and condition increase
  • Goat fattening is easily manageable without putting much effort

Goat Fattening Systems:- At that place are ii types of fattening systems are popular.

Traditional Goat Fattening system:

  • In this system, natural or planted pastures with variable degrees of supplementation is provided
  • Normally, goats require long menstruation of fourth dimension to gain market weight (slaughter) and condition
  • In this organization, goats oftentimes experience large fluctuations in weight gains & conditions as feed availability is not stable
  • In traditional goat fattening, feeds/fodders are offered in ad-hoc and unregulated way
  • In this system, usually goat farmers feed goats whatever feed/fodder happens to be available at that bespeak in time. This leads to huge feed wastage & growth rates below the genetic potential of the goats. The combination of depression growth rates and long fattening periods makes traditional caprine animal fattening arrangement unprofitable

Agro-industrial Byproduct Based Fattening System:

  • This organization is based on agro-industrial byproducts like footing nut cakes/millet stovers.

Choice of Caprine animal for Fattening:- Choice of proper quality goats is very important if y'all are planning for goat fattening.

  • Select goats that are salubrious without any concrete defects
  • Select goats with medium body condition scores of 2.0 to ii.v
  • Avoid emaciated (sparse or weak, due to illness or a lack of food) goats as they oft take a long fourth dimension to recover
  • Selected goats should accept a large skeletal frame
  • Caprine animal farmers should be aware of castration every bit information technology influences the fattening process.
    • The option of castrated or uncastrated goats depends on the final production desired & market conditions
    • More often than not, castrated goats eolith more fat (gain weight) when compared to uncastrated goats
    • More often than not, uncastrated goats accept more muscular growth. However castrated goats have higher demand in the marketplace
  • Select goat breeds with the improve potential for growth and fattening
  • Select goats with weights ranging from twenty to 25 kg for better fattening
  • Avoid goats that are too old equally they are non suitable for fattening process and no demand in the local market
  • It is improve to select goats between 2 and 4 years of age for fattening process

Direction of Fat Deposit (Finishing) Goats:-

  • You should start fattening process just afterward the necessary feed supplies are secured
  • Avoid underfeeding and wrong timing every bit these are well-nigh common causes of failures in fattening organisation
  • Information technology is mandatory to minimize the movement of goats during the fattening flow/process as our motto is to convert every bit much of the feed/provender to torso tissue as possible
  • Goats should be fed in a dry out lot / pens to reduce movement and increase the efficiency of converting feed / fodder into body weight
  • Success of a gaining weight / fattening performance depends on the starting time 2 weeks later arrival of goats into your farm
  • After getting the goats into the shed make sure to residue the goats for a few hours in a dry out, clean, sheltered area with make clean drinking water availability
  • Afterward couple of hours of resting, you tin provide grass hay or mixed grass-legume hay to the goat flock
  • The first and foremost thing you should do is sort out the goats based on weight / size / gender and feed in uniform weight / gender groups
  • Goats should be fed with fresh water availability at all times including evenings
  • In example of no feed left in the morning time, feed supply should be increased for the following day to cover up
  • Make sure to adjust goats to the fattening nutrition over a two calendar week timeframe (period).
  • Should limit feed concentrate after the goats have taken / consumed enough roughage
  • It is better idea to gradually increase feed concentrate intake every 2 days
  • Some goats do not adjust / adapt to intensive feeding system irrespective of breed, gender or age
  • It is better to cull (remove these goats from the flock and sell to slaughtering) these animals every bit before long every bit possible and these can be identified by poor functioning in the initial stages
  • Commonly, fattening system consists of feeding length of three months to four months (xc – 120 days). Notwithstanding it depends on desired goat status and type of ration fed
  • Don't construct expensive caprine animal houses or sheds. However, the shed should be strong enough to protect goats from agin environments and any predators.
  • When it comes to building shed, use locally available cloth like bamboo or mud walls. Make certain to have expert ventilation and fresh flowing air.
  • Provide feed racks (hay, water, mineral and concentrate) providing twenty linear centimeters/ goat should be attainable to both goats and caretaker.
  • The shelter surface area should exist cleaned regularly and kept dry out to minimize disease outbreak and wing infestation
  • Usually each goat requires two foursquare meter of space in the shed
  • Buy goats when prices are low specially in some low demand seasons similar in summertime. You should program to sell in such a way that when the marketplace prices are high

Feeding Fat Deposit (Finishing) Goats:-

  • To reduce the feed price, try to buy the feed when prices are low. Some feed y'all tin make on your ain past growing green fodder/ millet crops and making silage at your subcontract
  • Fatty deposit can exist accomplished with rations containing dissimilar proportions of roughages & concentrates
  • Proportion depends on types of feeds /fodders available, the desired length of feeding & the types of goats to be fattened
  • Usually college concentrate proportions shorten fattening menstruum
  • Grain related products commonly fed in fattening are shelled corn, oats, sorghum (Jowar), and wheat
  • Liquid related products commonly fed are such every bit molasses and other energy sources like fodder beet and sweet potato tin can be fed
  • Most commonly fed high protein concentrates in goat fattening are; sunflower cake, cotton wool seed cake, linseed (flaxseed) cake, and other like feeds such as groundnut/peanut cake ,oil seed block or any other grain cakes.
  • A broad variety of roughages can exist fed to growing and fatty depositing goats and the corporeality to be fed depends on the objective of feeding the roughage

Sample Goat Feeding in Fattening Organization:

  • Sample Feeding Program (% wise) for Goat  Fattening:
Ingredients Diet I (%) Diet II (%) Diet Iii (%)
Weight (kg) Weight (kg) Weight (kg)
To 30 30-40 40 to Market To 30 30-40 40 to Market place To 30 30-40 40 to market
Ground corn 52 62 72 49 59 69 60.5 60.five 59.5
Ground corn cobs 20 10
Chopped grass hay 33 23 xiii
Oilseed cake 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 ten xi
Dried legume hay 10 10 x 23 23 23
Liquid molasses 5 5 5 v 5 5 5 v 5
Dicalcium phosphate 1 1 one 1 ane one 1 1 1
Trace mineral salt 1 1 one one 1 1 i.5 1.5 1.v

Record Keeping in Goat Fattening:- Though information technology is non very important for small goat farmer to keep the records, it is a good exercise and may be reference and useful for future goat farming (fattening)

  • Keep health records including morbidity, symptoms, mortality and diagnosis, treatments
  • Go on growth or weight records including body condition scores
  • Keep feed consumption in detail
  • It is amend to keep financial records which includes all expenses/profits and receipts

Bottom Line of Goat Fattening:- Goat fattening is very profitable in a short period of time without waiting for long run.

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